KEDGE Business School MAI - Management des Achats Internationaux et Innovation

Program overview
While getting the cheapest price used to be the core concern for those in the purchasing profession, today’s professionals are more concerned with strategic factors such as innovation and speed to market. Key suppliers are vitally important. This shift in thinking requires an entirely different type of buying professional, and KEDGE is at the forefront of training this new cohort of buyers.
Curriculum (courses, subject modules)
Module 1:
After many years being considered as a simple support function, Purchasing and Procurement has become highly strategic. It will look at all areas of industry a business, and analyze the goods component ingredients and services which are purchased by these different sectors. The module will look at the many changes which have occurred in Purchasing and Procurement and the rapidly changing role of Purchasing professionals.
Module 2:
This module will look at the ways and means to bring about change to organization. It will focus particularly on examples in Purchasing and Procurement and will highlight the skills and competencies which are pre‐requisite for bringing about change in companies and organizations.
Module 3:
This module will focus on the different aspects of Purchasing and Procurement which necessitate clear vision leadership and management. This module will also enable the student to start to identify how he/she will be able to develop the skills that will enable him/her to play a role in tomorrow's Purchasing organization.
Module 1:
We are in rapidly changing economic environment. This module will look at the multi‐nationals companies which figure today in the top 300 multi‐nationals world‐wide. It will study their
products, their development, their competition, their recent strategic changes, their last 5 years performance and determine where these companies are aiming to grow their respective business.
Module 2:
This module will look at the way the world is changing from a geographical, financial and resources point of view. It will study the geo‐political impact on world business and the challenges that these changes offer to multi‐national today. It will look at growth potential in emerging market. It will also look at new and potential investment market. It will look at the direct impact on Purchasing strategy on multinational.
Module 3:
This module focuses on the changing relationships between a company and his strategic suppliers. It will look at how companies are linking strategic Purchasing directly with sustainable performance. It will compare the older down‐stream model of Purchasing with what has now become upstream Sourcing and Purchasing. It will also look at the changing role of the Purchasing professional both within the company working with internal prescribers and externally with strategic suppliers.
Module 1:
This module will focus on the financial aspect of the day‐to‐day running of a company. It will give details insight of financial information and ratios which will enable the student to analyze the on‐going performance of a company in an international context. It will allow students to analyze the financial elements and risks involved in doing business across borders.
Module 2:
This module will cover the best‐in‐class tools and techniques which are being used in Purchasing and Procurement today.
Module 3:
The module will look at not only the type of tools being used but more importantly how the tools are implementing and how we can insure that the tools are used efficiently on an everyday basis. When can they be used? Managing the implementation of tools.
Module 4:
The module will focus on the implementation and application of Purchasing tools in the work‐place. It will cover the application of Purchasing tools and processes both in production Purchasing and non‐production Purchasing. The module will look at the vital performance indicators which enable Purchasing to be driven forward efficiently and professionally in a multi‐site environment.
Module 1:
This module will look at how new products are designed and developed. The module will look at the importance of product change and innovation especially in the FMCG (Fast moving
consumer goods) sectors. It will look at the roles of the NPD (New product development) team from idea through to proto‐type, sample and product launch. The module will focus on the growing
role of strategic suppliers in enabling innovation capture and improving speed‐to‐market.
Module 2:
This module will look at how new products are designed and developed, but more especially with regard to respecting the environment. The module will look at how companies integrate all social aspects when sourcing in new emerging markets and geographical zones with less social regulation. The module will also focus on all aspects of CSR in purchasing and procurement today.
Admission conditions
Required diploma(s) :
- Bachelor
Tuition & Fees
Between 20400 and 29900 €
Short Track (4 years + of higher education):
- Level of studies: M1 completed, or an International Bachelor's degree (Bac+4), or an equivalent of 240 ECTS credits,
- English level: TOEIC (785)/ TOEFL IBT 79/ IELTS (6)/Cambridge First (B2) /Cambridge Advanced (C1) - exemption for native English speakers or candidates who have had more than one year's work experience in an English-speaking country.
Long Track (3 years + of higher education):
- Level of studies: 3 years of higher education attested by a diploma or an equivalent of 180 ECTS credits,
- Level of English: Language score is optional to enter the Long Track, but compulsory to enter the specialisation year of the MSc.
Validation of Personal and Professional Experience (VAPP)
You would like to resume your studies by integrating our MSc, Master of Science even though you do not have the diplomas normally required to access it? The Validation of Personal and Professional Experience (VAPP) allows people who does not have the required qualifications or diplomas to access the different levels of higher education. Find out more about the conditions required.
Employment opportunities & career impact
Average time for obtaining the first job offer : 98% of graduates find a job within 6 months after graduation
Employment opportunities :
The Multinationals recruiting MAI students today are in almost all sectors: Agro-Alimentary, Cosmetics, Household goods, Pharmaceutical, Automobile, Aeronautic and most service industries.
JOB TYPES: Lead Buyer / International Purchasing Director / Marketing Director / Consultant / Managing Director / Purchasing & Logistic Manager / Product Purchasing Manager / HR Purchasing Group Manager / Strategic Purchasing Director / New Product Director / Director of Innovation / International Sourcing Director
- Purchasing category manager : 22 %
- Lead Buyer : 20 %
- Innovation Sourcing Manager : 12 %
- Purchasing Director : 1 1%
- New Product Development Manager : 10 %
- Category Manager Marketing : 1 0%
- Product / Brand Manager : 8 %
- Consultant : 7%
Air France, Aventis, BMS, Bosch, Bouygues, Cadbury, Chupa Chups, Danone, Delphi, Diageo Guinness, EADS, EDF, Eiffage, Henkel, Heineken, Hermès, HP, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, La Poste, Legrand, L’Oréal, LVMH, Michelin, Microsoft, Nestlé, Nokia, Novartis, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser, Renault, Safran, Sanofi, Schweppes, Schlumberger, SNPE, Saipem, Thales, Toyota...
Application Deadlines
Short Track :
Admission level : International Bachelor's degree (4 years)
Duration : 12 months
Degree : Master of Science
Campus : Bordeaux
Language : English
Long Track :
Admission level : Bachelor's degree
Duration : 24 months
Degree : Master of Science
Campus : Bordeaux
Language : English
Faculty profiles
KEDGE Business School is a leading French management school with campuses across France (Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, and Toulon), internationally (2 in China in Shanghai and Suzhou, and 2 in Africa in Dakar and Abidjan), and associated campuses (Avignon, Bastia, Bayonne, and Mont-de-Marsan). The KEDGE community comprises 15,600 students (including 28% international students), 202 permanent professors (with 42% international), 329 international academic partners, and over 85,000 alumni worldwide. KEDGE offers a range of 38 management and design programmes for students and professionals, and provides customised training for companies nationally and internationally. Since 2020, KEDGE has established its own apprenticeship training centre.
A member of the Conference of Grandes Écoles and accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA, labeled EESPIG, and certified Qualiopi, KEDGE Business School is a state-recognised institution with targeted programmes. KEDGE is ranked by the Financial Times as the 29th best Business School in Europe and 18th worldwide for its Executive MBA in 2023. Its promise to be an original, sustainable, and inclusive school is embodied through the KEDGE IMPAKT strategy, based on three pillars: Care for People, Act for the Planet, and Innovate for Tomorrow.
Campus facilities & Student Life
The campus in Bordeaux was designed taking into account the changing habits and preferences of today's students, and how those changes affect their living spaces.
The school is located on the Talence campus 35 minutes away from the city centre by tram, 25 minutes away by car and around 30 minutes by bicycle.
Spread over 35,000m2, the campus is designed to provide the most innovative facilities to meet students and collaborators' needs.
- La Ruche Library: Spread over 2000m2, the Ruche Library is a haven of knowledge. It offers a true cultural space where students and employees can borrow books, comics, DVDs or board games. You can work between classes alone or in a group. For more privacy, you can book a room through the virtual campus.
- Various catering areas to suit everyone's needs. For lunch on the go or to grab a cup of coffee, you have the K'omptoir with its Starbucks Corner offering a wide range of coffees and snacks. For a leisurely lunch you have the self-service cafeteria which serves healthy set menus. For those bringing their own lunches, there are microwaves at your disposal. From time to time, there are also food trucks serving many different food options within the patio area.
- Co-working areas ideal for group sessions fully equipped with the latest technologies.
- The CA'Store, KEDGE's official association shop which can be found within the entrance hall.
- The main hallway, the heart of the school where different events are hosted such as the Career Fairs (where you will meet with businesses and recruiters in the hope of finding a work placement or internship), the Association Fairs where each association has a stand to present what they are all about and the place where you will be welcome for your oral exams.
- The beehive patio looked after by the association Kedge'bees providing the honey for the school.
- The Career Centre to help with work placements or internships.
- The Ber'kail, the student haven where you can eat, chill and listen to music. You can also play video games, table football, have a drink on the terrace, meet up for a burger or a coffee. The association Ber'kail organises various events such as the 'beer and chill' barbecues, the WEXs (Extreme Weekend) in collaboration with the Adrenaline association to mark the start of the year and the Grand Banquet, a chill out weekend to end the year in style.
- Sports facilities managed by the Sports Society, the Arts Society and sports' coaches.
All students, whether following an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, can benefit from the sports facilities. It is managed by a team of qualified sports professionals always on hand to help and advise. On the Bordeaux campus, you can find:
- A weight-training and cardio room supervised by qualified sports coaches
- A studio facility with organised weekly classes including danse, yoga, fitness, self-defence or meditation
- A gymnasium / hall for the practice of hand-ball, basketball, futsal (indoor football), badminton, volley-ball, ping-pong
- A multi-sports ground with a pitch for the practice of football or to play tennis - Other facilities:
- 49 lecture rooms, language labs, computer rooms, 20 auditoriums with a capacity of 60 to 500 seats for teaching, seminars or meetings.
- A trading room animated by professors and by the finance transaction association.
- The Business Nursery and the Business Accelerator, both dedicated to the entrepreneurship development.