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1. Master in Tourism Promotion and Management of Cultural Events and Heritage
Bologna Business School - University of Bologna
2. Master en Management d'événements
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut des Hautes Études des Communications Sociales (IHECS
3. MS Sports Business - Recreation and Event Management
Temple University
4. MSc Global Events Management
Oxford Brookes University
5. MSc Marketing parcours Communication et Management d’Evènements
KEDGE Business School
6. Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (MTHEM)
University of Queensland - Faculty of Business, Economics & Law
7. Master of Business - Event Management
Griffith University - Griffith Business School
8. International Events and Conference Management
Sheffield Hallam University
9. MSc International Events Management
EM Normandie Business School
10. Master of Event Management
University of Technology Sydney - UTS Business School
11. Máster en Organización de Eventos, Protocolo y Turismo de Negocio Online
Ostelea, Tourism Management School
12. Master's Degree in Management and Organisation of Event Tourism
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Escola FUAB Formació
13. MSc International Festival and Event Management
Edinburgh Napier University
14. MA International Events Management
Manchester Metropolitan University
15. Master 2 Marketing et gestion d'événements
Université de Strasbourg
16. MS Sport Venue and Event Management
Syracuse University
17. Master of Social Sciences in Sport and Leisure Management
Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty of Social Sciences
18. MSc International Marketing with Tourism & Events
19. MBA Spécialisé Communication & Management Événementiel
20. MS Recreation Administration
California State University, Long Beach
21. MSc Event Management
Coventry University - School of Marketing and Management in the Faculty of Business and Law
22. MSc Events Project Management
Cardiff Metropolitan University
23. Master Communication Evénementielle et Digitale, option Sport et Culture
Université d'Orléans
24. MBA en Communication, Créativité et Evènementiel (Double diplôme avec ESG Paris)
Groupe ISM - Ecole de Management
25. Master of Tourism Hospitality and Events Management
Victoria University - College of Arts, Business, Law, Education and IT
26. MBA Communication, digital et événementiel
Studialis-Galileo Global Education France - MBA ESG
27. MA in International Tourism and Leisure Management
University of Southern Denmark
28. MSc International Event Management
Excelia Business School (former La Rochelle Business School)
29. MSc Events Management
TU Dublin - School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
30. MSc International Events Management
University of Surrey
31. Máster en Protocolo y Organización de Eventos (online)
Universidad Europea Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación
32. Especialización en Organización Integral de Eventos
Universidad Externado de Colombia Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras,
33. Master Communication Evénementielle et Digitale, option Sport et Culture
IAE Orléans
34. MSc Events Management
University of the West of England
35. Master in Convention Management
Kyung Hee University - College of Hotel and Tourism Management
36. Master of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Lincoln University Department of Tourism, Sport and Society
37. MA in Recreation Management
University Of Mississipi Ole Miss School Of Business
38. Master in Events Management
The Athens Graduate School Of Management
39. Master of Education in Recreation and Sport Management
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville - School of Counseling, Human Performance and Rehabilitation
40. MSc Marketing Evénementiel & Public Relations